Welcome to KC Brick Lab LEGO® User Group!
What we are:
We’re a club for AFOLsAdult Fan of LEGO More (or TFOLTeen fan of LEGO®. Someone who is outside the typical demographic (5-17) years old but not an adult. More with an accompanying AFOLAdult Fan of LEGO More). Whether you design your own, or build what’s in the box. Whatever theme you like. If you like LEGO®, you’re welcome to join.
Our history:
It all started in January of 2012, as LEGOLAND® Discovery Center KC announced that they were looking for a new Master Model Builder in KC, and they were going to hold a Brick Factor contest to select the best person for the job. It was a Job interview of the most unusual kind. Over 170 people entered, with the thought that it would be a dream job. After 3 rounds, Jeremiah Boehr ended up taking the crown!
On March 21st, 2012, the Facebook group, “LEGO® Fans in Kansas City” was born. A few notices were posted on LEGOLAND® Discovery Center KC’s Facebook page, and many of the Brick Factor contestants were contacted, to let them know about the group. Slowly, people started to join.
In only 2 months, we had over 50 members. By that time friendships had begun to form, the LEGO® Store Overland Park had opened, and we as a group wanted more. We got in touch with The LEGO® Group’s North American Community Coordinator, Kevin Hinkle, and got on his list of LUGsLEGO® User Group. An in person (not on-line) gathering of AFOLs who get together to share builds, do Drafts, talk about LEGO® and plan events. More. Then we were finally “Official.”
A few more months went by, and by July we had over 100 members, and finally had our first meeting.
The present:
We’re now approaching 500 KS/MO members in our private FB group, with almost 50 members of average showing up to each of our monthly meetings. Our meetings include tutorials, swap meets, contests, theme builds, set drafts, planning our shows, and more.
Kansas City Brick Lab maintains two semi-permanent displays inside the Model Rail Experience , a free exhibit at Union Station. In partnership with them every Holiday Season, we build a unique themed layout as part of the main seasonal model train display. Working with local organizations like Union Station, Maker Faire KC, Planet Comicon, Mid-Continent Public Libraries and more help enhance our group as a whole and strengthen our bond to community. The future is definitely bright for LEGO® Fans in Kansas City!